Wednesday, October 26, 2005

2,000 dead - Bush vows to stay the course

The Bushtopians are busy deriding the peace supporters for holding memorial vigils to honor the now 2,000 war dead from Iraq, saying it's defeatist and the troops wouldn't appreciate it. I still don't notice any great activity on their part to honor the sacrifice themselves. Or do they think that engaging in petty mockery of their fellow citizens for exercising their First Amendment rights is a fitting tribute?

Meanwhile, Bush managed to finally acknowledge the death toll in a single sentence. Big whoop. He then launched right back into the propaganda.
"This war will require more sacrifice, more time and more resolve," he said in a speech hosted by military spouses at Bolling Air Force Base. "No one should underestimate the difficulties ahead, nor should they overlook the advantages we bring to this fight."
What sacrifice except the lives of mostly poor and undereducated soldiers? He later made a speech to some economists, calling to make his $70 billion worth of tax cuts for the rich permanent and his welfare for millionaires plan - aka elimination of the estate tax - a reality. How about we sacrifice those before we sacrifice federal aid to elderly Medicare recepients, hungry children who receive food stamps, and educational loans to economically disadvantaged Americans, which were just cut in a White House approved bill, by $10 billion dollars.

The only advantages we bring to this fight, is the cash cow that can be milked dry for the people who have already made a ton of money on Bush's wars and economic "plans." Expected to be funded by the next generation of the disappearing middle class near you.
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