Thursday, December 08, 2005

GOP thugocracy reconfirms Police State Patriot Act

If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of your civil liberties being trampled.
House and Senate Republican negotiators, after arguing for months over their differing versions of the USA Patriot Act, have reached an agreement to extend the law that gives the government expanded powers to investigate suspected terrorists, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter announced today.
You'll notice it doesn't mention any kind of bi-partisan consensus. There is however, bi-partisan dissent. Unfortunately I don't think it's enough but Goddess bless Feingold for offering to filibuster.

The White House is happy enough with what they have so far - coverage for domestic spying for as long as Bush can possibly remain in office. They consider it a win and it is a great victory for the corrupt crony club that is currently running this country, but what a great loss for the American people.

They don't use The Patriot Act for terrorists, they use it against political dissenters and for ordinary crimes. And when they do occassionally use it to bag a possible terrorist, they can't make their case with the evidence they collected under the Act. They don't care. Now that they lost in a court of law, they're just going to deport the guy. They could do that without the Patriot Act.

Meanwhile they're free to spy on and otherwise harass anyone they perceive to be a threat to their political power. I just can't understand how the Bush bloggers don't get this and continue to support these thugs.
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