Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Rumor Mill churns

There's a couple of late breaking items I didn't get to yesterday that are worth remarking on. My favorite comes via Mikevotes who points us to an item on the rumored departure of Karl Rove. The reason is allegedly that Rove represents a partisan approach that runs counter to Bush's newly stated commitment to bi-partisanship, (like anybody believes that's really true). It seems more likely that Rove's enemies like Trent Lott and Harriet Miers are working behind the scenes to get him ousted. But the conspiracy theorist in me has this feeling that if he goes, it will be just to some undisclosed bunker so he can plot his dirty tricks for 08 on a full time basis.

I find it hard to believe Bush would willingly exile his architect, but then again James Wolcott is hearing persistent rumors in high places that Bush is back on the sauce.

It wouldn't surprise me if it were true. He's not a guy who takes rejection any better than he takes advice and it could explain why Poppy Bush has suddenly stepped forward. Speaking of which, check out the cover of Newsweek. You just know that is pissing Junior off.
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